Registration at University

Getting registered

You can already enroll online in July. Please, only do so, when you are 100 % sure, that you get your Visa and are really joining the Program. There will be no refund given on the semester fee, if you opt out!

After your arrival here in Lübeck, you have to show your original Bachelor degree once to the International Office. Then you receive your student ID (Studierendenausweis)  and your Password for using all IT Services at the university. The student ID is necessary for using the library, to get the Mensa card and internet access. In addition, it provides further benefits to students such as reduced transport fees to major cities in Germany and reduced entrance fees for museums etc.

The registration office is situated in Building 36 on the ground floor, Room 0.50.

You will need the following documents in order to register at the Technische Hochschule Lübeck:

  • Admission
  • Personal ID card or Passport/VISA
  • 1 passport size photograph
  • Proof of student’s health insurance
  • Proof of payment of registration fee (50 Euro): Must only be paid once
  • Proof of payment fee for students’ union (around 257  Euro): Must be paid each semester

All students must pay a semester fee (including the fee for the semester ticket for free local public transport within Schleswig.Holstein and to and from Hamburg and within Hamburg as well as the fee for the “AStA” - Student Council). The fee varies a little bit each semester. You will find specific details in your admission letter. This amount must be transferred each June and December for the following semester. (Reregistration)

If you move during your studies or shortly afterwards please do not forget to change your address in the qis-system or inform the Registration office directly.