Research Internship
You may begin your research internship, directly after the second semester. The minimum duration of this research internship is four months (full-time).
Research Internship Regulations (valid from WS 2017/2018)
Research Internship Registration form
You may choose to do your research internship in a company, university, institute or hospital in Germany or abroad.
When you have found a place, please fill out the registration form and hand it in to the study coordinator - including a project desciption and the confirmation - with signature of supervisor - of the institution about the duration of the internship and a signed confirmation that you may publish the results of the internship:
You have to present the results of your Internship at the annual student conference taking place in March every year at Lübeck Campus. You have to prepare a poster and a paper and give a talk.
You also have to hand in an internship report. Here you find some background information on how to write a report.
Where to apply
You should start early with searching for a position. We suggest beginning your search in February/March for starting date in August /September. In addition, March 15th is the deadline for some funding.
There is an overall list of companies where previous students of our Master Program have stayed. Many of them, especially the German students, went abroad for their research internships. This information is password protected. If you are a current student feel free to contact us to access information: silke.venker(at)fh-luebeck.de
We do hold contact to former students who now offer places for research internships, e.g. in New Zealand and USA. If you are interested, please ask for more information.
Students are encouraged to seek research internships independently of university assistance so that they become familiar with job searching. However we will assist you as best as we can in finding a convenient place to do your research internship.
You might also find some useful information on these online job search engines
- MEDICA (list of exhibitors): International fair on medical technology
How to apply
Here you will find templates (also in German) and information about how to apply:
To prepare your application you should have the following documents:
1.) A basic one page cover letter which should be specific for each application
2.) A CV including your photo
3.) All certificates such as your bachelor’s degree, language courses, internships, your current “Notenübersicht”… (digital versions and hard copies)
We advise students to make use of the services offered by the Career Center. Also, we are always willing to give support and check your CV etc..
To have a very clearly and correctly worded CV is essential for finding an internship or job position:
Jasmin Sponholz
Phone 0451 300 5456
Building 36, Room 0.42
There are different possibilities for German and International students to get funding for their time spend abroad:
- Iaeste
- Erasmus...
For more information, please contact Ms Liebmann from the International Office.