Examinations & Lecture Material
All classes run for 90 minute periods. Most lecture days start at 8:15 a.m. and end in the early evening (17:45 p.m.). Courses are normally concluded with an exam.
Pre-lab preparation is usually required and often calls for students to actually go into lab prior to the scheduled lab time. Regular attendance is expected. Some labs require formal lab reports and students should expect to spend a significant amount of time writing these reports. There are a number of lab tasks per course that need to be satisfactorily completed in order to pass the lab. A passing lab grade is required along with a passing lecture grade to receive an overall passing score for a course. In several labs, students are required to give a presentation.
There are three consecutive examination periods within the year:
- 1st exam period at the end of semester
- 2nd exam period at the beginning of (following) semester
- 3rd exam period at the end of (following) semester
At these times you may take any exams from the semester. You may choose if you will take all at once or divide them up between the different examination periods.
Written exams normally last 90 minutes. Students should not wait until the end of the semester to begin preparing for end-of-semester assessments. Some exams require several weeks of heavy preparation. It is the student's responsibility to know what is going on throughout the semester.
Exams can be taken a maximum of 3 times to pass the course. Some professors allow note sheets or lecture material during the assessment, but not all. After taking an exam you have the opportunity to review the assessment that you submitted with any errors marked.
Students must register online for each examination and lab they want to attend. The deadlines for the registration are published in the academic calendar. The registration is valid for the forthcoming examination period only.
If you are ill and cannot participate in an exam, please go to the doctor and get an official note and hand in a form. The note should be handed in to the secretariat AN at least three days after the exam took place.
Grading system
The German grading system consists of number grades from 1.0 (highest) to 5.0 (lowest) where 4.0 is passing with 50%. To receive the German diploma, students need to pass all courses and labs with a 4.0 or higher. A test or exam can be re-taken only if a failing score is received. If a student is awarded a 4.0 they are unable to retake the assessment to obtain a better grade.
1.0 - 1.5 very good outstanding achievement
>1.5 - 2.5 good considerably above the average requirements
>2.5 - 3.5 satisfactory meets to the average requirements in every respect
>3.5 - 4.0 sufficient meets the minimum requirements in spite of its deficiencies
5.0 not sufficient no longer meets the requirements because of considerable deficiencies
The Online-Portal QIS is necessary for
- Updating current postal addresses
- Printing out a proof of immatriculation
- Checking on Transcripts of Records
- Registering for exams
- Obtaining course grades
Questions regarding QIS may be answered by the Campus Management Team.
Moodle / Lernraum
There are two Moodle systems - one from the "Technische Hochschule" and one from the "University". Here you will find all necessary scripts and lecture material in order to prepare for exams. You can log in with your general user name and password.
At the TH Moodle (Lernraum), you can also register for the German language courses and workshops from the Career Development Center. You can also find general information from the IT Service and central administration.
If you have any questions about how to use these, please contact: silke.venker@th-luebeck.de