Spending time abroad
The TH and the University of Lübeck offer a broad range of Erasmus partnerships with Universities e.g. in Portugal, Spain and Sweden and the Czech Republic. There are different funding possibilties available.
- Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Instituto Superior Técnico, School of Engineering) - Portugal
- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - Spain
- VŠB Technická Univerzita Ostrava - Tzech Republic
Additionally, there is an intensive Exchange Program with the German Jordanian University in Amman, Jordan. The TH also sponsors participation in summer schools...
We support and advice our students to spend some time abroad during their studies - Research internship or Master Thesis. There are many former students who currently work all over the world and can be contacted in order to spend some time abroad. Please contact silke.venker(at)fh-luebeck.de for more details.
For further information regarding the different Programs and financial support for travel expenses you can contact Ms Liebmann from the International Office.
Activities for Internationals
There are many different clubs where Germans and Internationals can take part and mingle:
- International Stammtisch
- Haus der Kulturen
- Deutsch-Ibero-Amerikanische Gesellschaft Lübeck e.V.
- Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft e.V.
- International Clubs and Societies in Lübeck (Overview)
- TARA (Clubs and activities for internationals)
We also have student tutors who offer personal support and organize activities throughout the semester, such as trips, bowling etc.