Registration office
The Registration office gives general advice regarding your studies, application, admission and registration.
Antje Peterlik, Steffi Puls and Andrea Heinze
Building 36, Room 0.50
Phone: +49 451 300- 5229 / -5012 / -5455
Change of address
In case you move, please do not forget to inform the Registration office. It is important that they have your most up-to-date address at all times. You can change it automatically in the qis-Portal.
After you have successfully finished your Master Thesis, you will be automatically exmatriculated at the end of the month in which your certificate is dated. If you want to stay immatriculated until the end of the semester, you have to inform the Department of Applied Natural Sciences.
If you want to finish your studies before getting the degree, you have to hand in the "form of exmatriculation".
You can get parts of your semester fee back, in case your exmatriculation takes place at the beginning of the semester. You have to send them the exmatriculation document and a copy of your pay slip proving that you paid the semester fee to:
- AStA der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck, Mönkhofer Weg 239, 23562 Lübeck
The deadlines for re-registration are:
- 31st December for the Summer Semester
- 31st July for the Winter Semester
The semester fee varies each semester, but is approximately 265 Euro per semester. You will get information on bank account etc. via email.
After having paid, you will get the new student ID card via post.
As soon as you print out the immatriculation document from the QIS-Portal you are re-registered.
If you re-register late after the deadline, you have to pay an extra fee of 15 Euro.