IT Service Center
Log-in information
After registration you will receive a letter that gives you your login data for your TH-IT-account - together with your Student-ID-card sent via post to your German address:
- login: Matriculation-number
- password: given for your first login, then you need to change it on the Onlineportal QIS. Only then it is activated.
In case you forgot your password
Please, write an email to studieninfo@th-luebeck.de
Room: 18-1.20
Phone: 0451 300-5344
More and detailled information about all IT Services, you find on "Lernraum/Moodle"
Available services
- E-Mail (Webmail-Link)
- Info-Portal (QIS): Gives you information on your Transcript of Records, for exam registration online etc.
- Lernraum/Moodle (Here your find presentation and scripts from the Professors for your classes)
- Windows-PCs in the 24h-room and the PC laboratories
- E-Learning / Blended learning (oncampus)
- FHL Wlan
PC Pools
Using their “user name” and “password” students can access any computer in the computer labs (building 18 - first floor and building 17) during the TH working hours (Monday to Friday from 8 am to 19;00 pm), provided that no lecture is going on at the particular lab. PCs are also available in the library or in Building 64, ground floor (University Campus - you need your Uni log-ins).
Printing and Copying
Printing can be done in the “Hausdruckerei” in Building 36, ground floor and with the printers and copy machines in the library (here you pay with your (Campus/Mensa-card) and the Asta-Shop (Atrium)
“24 hours” computer access
There is a special 24 hours-room on campus in building 18 where registered students can use the computers without time limits.
For those who need an access, they have to go to Mr Borchert in building 18, 1st floor, room 1.03. Students get the 24hrs-room-access-card paying 25€ in cash as security deposit. You get the deposit back upon returning the 24-hour access card.Here you can also get a virtual printing account....
In the 24 hrs-room there are special computers where you can print out your results during your studies, especially after the exams period.
You can have the following free software packages:
- MatLab
- Microsoft Dreamspark
- Antivirus Program
- and more...