
Sports on campus
Lübeck’s universitiesoffer many kinds of activities and clubs that students can join. At the start of each semester, registration is open for people to join the sport groups. Participating simply requires registering and paying a small fee (normally about 10 €). Once you have registered, you can sign up for the specific activity which you would like to participate.
There are brochures around campus called "Hochschulsport Lübeck" (University Sports in Lübeck) that show you which activities are available and what the associated fees are. Many of the activities are quite popular and places are limited, so registering as early as possible is recommended. The activities are categorized into ball games (i.e. football, soccer, tennis), fitness/ health/ relaxing (i.e. yoga, pilates, aerobics), fighting sports (i.e. judo, karate, kendo), dancing (i.e. jazz, tango), water sports (i.e. water ball, surfing, sailing) and miscellaneous sports (i.e. horseback riding, biking).
Office of Campus sports
Building 2 - Central University administration
Phone +49(0)451-500 30 23
Opening Hours:
Monday until Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Sport Clubs in City of Lübeck
Of course you can join one of the many sport clubs outside university.
There are a lot of public swimming halls and open-air swimming pools in the Lübeck area.